This Information will be used to help understand which service, products, and equipment is needed to tackle any cleaning.
When was the property last professionally cleaned?
If you have had your house professionally, what kind of service was it?
Do you have any pets?
What is the current condition of the bathrooms?
When was the last time the home was thoroughly dusted?
Are there any pets in the home that shed?
What type of flooring do you have through the home?
Interior Oven Cleaning $50
Dust ceiling fans, blinds, window ledges and sills (per story) $35
Detail Clean Bathroom and Kitchen Cabinets (Outside of cabinets) $50
Dust Baseboards (per story) $25
Wash/Scrub Baseboards (per story) $50
Wash/Scrub Doors, Frames, Knobs, and Switches (per story) $80
Shower Glass Hard Water Removal (per Shower) $75 No. Showers
Handwash Dishes in Sink $30
Interior Window Cleaning tracks, frames, and glass (per Window up to 3x5ft) $10 No. Windows
Wash/Dry/Fold Laundry (per load) $35 No. Loads
Garage De-Web $45
Packing/Unpacking for Move (Client supplies packing material - 4hr min per employee) $45 No. Packers No. Hours
Choose your Schedule
Here are some of our most recent cleans that show both the before and after of each service.